Congratulations to Elizabeth

伊丽莎白法英混血,父亲是英国人,母亲是法国人,她拥有英法双重国籍。为了梦想,她决定远赴中国考取医科文凭。趁着大学假期,来到卓越汉语,接受短期HSK四级密集课程。原来,就读武汉大学医学系的她,需要HSK四级文凭以符合实习与毕业需求。她勤能补拙的精神,让她在HSK 四级中考取了231/300分的亮眼成绩!这不仅能让她在学习中进展得更顺利,也能加强她的交际能力,可谓喜上加喜!我们也引以为荣!



Our congratulations to Elizabeth for her outstanding performance in the HSK exams, “Your persistence in learning Mandarin and your brevity to face the exams was outstanding, and today here we are as you receive your certificate with a joyful heart!

Elizabeth is half French and half English, Her father is British and her mother is French. In order to pursue her dream, she decided she will study her Bachelor of medicine in China. The Faculty of medicine in Wuhan university requires her to study and get a HSK level 4 in order to qualify for internship and graduation. Elizabeth joined our center (EDU MANDARIN) for a short term intensive class to enable her participate in HSK exams. Out of diligence and courage she was able to score 231 marks out of 300. Her outstanding performance will not only guarantee her a smooth progress in her studies but also enhance her communication skills. We are really proud of her.

We therefore hope that Elizabeth will carry along her memories of learning Mandarin in Malaysia as she continues to travel to other countries. Different people and different races are all able to gain mastery of any language and in our context, mastery of Chinese language, regardless of whether they are black or white as long as they are persistent and are using the right learning system. (Aug, 2017)


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Taman Melawati (Lorong Perak):

Monday 4:30PM-6PM; 8 PM -10:00 PM (2 slots)
Tuesday: 7 PM -8:30 PM; 8:30 PM -10 PM (2 slots)
Wednesday: 8 PM -10:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00PM-8:30PM ; 8:30PM-10:00PM (2 slots)
Friday: 9:30AM-11:00AM ; 11:00-12:30 (New)
Saturday: 9:30AM-11:00AM; 11AM-12:30PM; 2:30-4PM (3 slots)
HRDF Claimable

SS 25 Taman Mayang:

Monday 7:00PM-8:30 PM ; 8:30PM-10:00 PM (2 slots)
Thursday: 7:00PM-8:30 PM ; 8:30PM-10:00 PM (2 slots)
Saturday: 9:30AM-11:00AM; 11:00AM-12:30PM; 2:30PM-4:00PM (3 Slots)


Thursday 8PM-9:30PM
Saturday: 10:00AM-11:30AM; 11:30AM-1PM; 2:30PM-4PM (3 slots)

Johor Bahru (Mount Austin):

New students visitation hours:

Wednesday 7pm-10pm
Thursday 7pm-10pm
Friday: 9:30am-11:00am, 11:00am-12:30pm
Saturday: 10:00am-11:30am, 11:00am-12:30pm, 7:30pm-9:00pm (3 slots)

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