About EDU Mandarin

We Care About Your Chinese (Mandarin) Language
>> click here for mandarin classes introduction

EDU Mandarin is an exclusive learning center for learning mandarin as second language. It is fully owned by the Mandarin Discovery Private Limited Company. We started our operations by renting  classrooms around KL areas since early 2005 when mandarin learning culture is yet to be popular in the market.

Mandarin Discovery Private Limited (1066400-M) was established on 16th October 2013. It was successfully registered as Language Center (Pusat Bahasa Mandarin Discovery) (BZ1H 1230) with the Education Ministry of Malaysia to run language and educational programs.


Our headquarter is located at Taman Melawati (KL) and we do have branches/partner centers in Petaling Jaya, Kajang, Puchong, Pandan Indah, Kota Kinabalu & Johor Bahru. We are specialized in teaching mandarin as second language for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners. We provide different services as follow:

1. Mandarin course for beginner who do not have any Mandarin language background.

2. Mandarin course for Malay students who enrolled in Chinese primary school.

3. Mandarin enhancement course for those who have limited Mandarin learning background.

4. Chinese character course for those who can speak and understand Mandarin but couldn’t read Chinese character.

5. Online learning via Skype for those who wish to learn mandarin but are staying too far away from  our branch.

6. HSK exam (Chinese Proficiency Exam was conducted by the China Government) services. Inclusive of trial exam, registration and per-examination consultation.

7. Sell Chinese learning materials (books and CD), exam-related book and CD and others (mandarin learning related materials)

8. To provide comprehensive range of translation and interpreting services to help businesses and individuals communicate effectively across languages and cultures.

9. To provide comprehensive agency services for foreign students who wish to pursue higher education and learning language in Malaysia. We offer a wide range of services including application assistance, academic advising, and visa application support.

Besides, all of our students will be provided with FREE UNLIMITED Flashcards after class for the  online revisions and exercises purpose. All are welcomed to join us regardless of whether you have or do not have formal mandarin education background. Call us for FREE mandarin learning and teaching consultation.

EDU Mandarin Teachers’ Profile



Ms. Chow Kim Siew 周 锦 秀 硕 士

►Founder of EDU Mandarin

► Master Degree in Medical Science (Public Health), University of Malaya
► Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology, University Putra Malaysia
► Diploma in Learning Disabilities Management and Child Psychology (Teacher College, UK) (2015)

9 year experiences in teaching Mandarin as a second language and 1 year teaching experience in the government secondary school and Chinese primary school.


The founder Techer Ching (left) is teaching

Mr. Ching Jin Yih 钱 进 逸 硕 士

►Founder of EDU Mandarin

► Bachelor Degree in Arts (Chinese Studies) (University of Malaya)
► Master Degree in Arts (University of Malaya)

►Lecturer of Mandarin courses in University College of Tunku Abdul Rahman (2001-2014)

► 14 years experience in teaching Mandarin as a second language. 

钱进逸,祖籍福建省古田县大桥镇钱厝村,马来西亚实兆远人,属第四代移民。马来亚大学毕 业,考获文学学士与硕士学位,目前居住吉隆坡,担任拉曼大学学院讲师多年,目前全职从事对外汉语。


Sarah Tan 陈依欣

Master of Chinese Studies (University of Malaya) 马来亚大学中心系硕士
►Bachelor of Science in Quantity Survey (Honors) (University of Malaya)



►北京大学国际经济与贸易本科毕业 (2013-2017)

Peking University Bachelor of Economics and Trade (2013-2017)


Zoe Foo Qi 傅琦

► 厦门大学中文系(本科)
Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Studies (Xiamen University)

Teacher in-charge (EDU Mandarin Puchong)


Chloe Guqi 古琦

► 宁夏大学人文学院 汉语言文学师范(本科)(2015)
Ningxia University’s School of Liberal Atrs Chinese Literature (Bachelor) (2015)

► 宁夏大学外国语学院 英语(辅修)
Ningxia University’s School of Foreign Language English (Minor)

► 宁夏大学国际教育学院 助教
Ningxia University’s School of International Studies Teaching Assistant (June 2014-September 2014)

► 2013.09 获CCTV“希望英语”风采大赛宁夏赛区大学成人组一等奖
2013.09 The First Prize In The CCTV “Star of Outlook” Ningxia Regional English Talent Competition


Shawna Pang Shei Yee  潘雪玉

► 2012/09-2013/06 中国上海华东师范大学 ,对外汉语本科毕业 
Bachelor Degree in Mandaarin as Second Language (Shanghai East China Normal University) 

► 2010/03-2012/08 马来西亚新纪元学院, 对外汉语教学专业文凭
Diploma in Mandarin as Second Language (New Era College)


Ong Lay Wui 王莉慧师

► 厦门大学中文系(本科)
Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Studies (Xiamen University)


Mak Ngok Teing 麦月婷师

► Bachelor of Foreign Language (Mandarin Language), UPM


Lee Ming Zhe 李明哲师

► Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Chinese Studies from University Tunku Abdul

► Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Language fromNanjingNormal University

► Part time teacher of EDU Mandarin

► Chinese Teacher of Chong Ching Middle School



Ling Wei Cheng 林为程师

  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Chinese Studies (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR))

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education (University College Fairview)

  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Educator CertificateSpecializing in Teaching and Learning MYP

  • Master Degree of Chinese Studies Candidate (Universiti Malaya)

English Teacher


Lim Lai Wan (Linda)

►British Council CELTA certification

Join our English Class: Click here 

Invite us to your organization/ school for “Learning Mandarin as Second Language” seminar




Too slow to master a language but need to converse in a foreign language with clients urgently? We have solution for you!

As a language center, we not only provide langauge courses, but also the interpretation and translation services, make sure make sure your clients understand your products or services.

img-16Translation and interpreting services include written, simultaneous and consecutive for international event and government, sign language, court and more…..


We expert in Mandarin, English, Malay and more languages translation & interpretation services. 


Please WhatsApp us for instant support or email [email protected]


